my favourite podcasts

I have already written about my love for podcasts on this blog, subtly sliding them into other posts when discussing running and self care. I don't ever really stop listening to them and am always plugged in when walking to school, jogging and before I go to sleep. They keep me focused, cheer me up,… Continue reading my favourite podcasts

how to survive an exam season

Exams are exhausting and at times seem never-ending. You lose your usual routine and find yourself facing an overwhelming to-do list with too many facts and concepts to squeeze into your brain with too little time to prepare. I just finished my mock a level exams and the whole process was honestly so draining and… Continue reading how to survive an exam season

what I need to focus on in 2019

I'm well aware that I'm pretty late to the bandwagon with a post on resolutions. But, with mocks and a crazy, tough beginning to the year, I just haven't had the time to write. UCAS applications and Year 13 have been a struggle and the worst is yet to come with exams in Summer. I've… Continue reading what I need to focus on in 2019

what I’ve read recently

I picked these books up around November - December time. They were engrossing and marvellous and shocking and bewildering and I adored them all. Right now, I'm suffering through mock exams for my a levels (help!) so I don't have too much time to read but, when I can, I'm making my way through the… Continue reading what I’ve read recently

why I love running

Every January, the path I run along is packed. Everyone I pass is enthusiastic and focusing on their New Years resolutions to get fit. Yet, inevitably, about a month later, it is back to normal and there are only a few runners that fly by. I always think this is such a shame. Running has… Continue reading why I love running

nineteen books I want to read in twenty nineteen

2018 has been the year of reading. I discovered my taste. Beautiful, brilliant books. Heartbreaking poems and shocking novels. Contemporary as well as some pretty ancient literature. I loved it all. I dived into Shakespeare and Milton and the Romantics and my head spun. Modernism became my calling and I absorbed T.S. Eliot and Katherine… Continue reading nineteen books I want to read in twenty nineteen