the joy of autumn

Happy Halloween! I honestly can't quite comprehend how quickly this month has flown by. It has been hectic and exhausting and inspiring and for the majority of October, the weather has been stunning. We've been lucky enough to have brilliant sunshine and blue skies almost every day of the week. Everyone finds themselves romanticising Autumn… Continue reading the joy of autumn

my thoughts on… everything under by daisy johnson

“I'd always understood that the past did not die just because we wanted it to. The past signed to us: clicks and cracks in the night, misspelled words, the jargon of adverts, the bodies that attracted us or did not, the sounds that reminded us of this or that. The past was not a thread… Continue reading my thoughts on… everything under by daisy johnson

the journey begins

Thanks for joining me! My name is Natasha and I am currently working towards my A Levels in English Literature, Chinese and History. I am in the process of applying to University to study English Literature as an undergraduate and sometimes this can feel like an immense, impossible task. I have decided to use this… Continue reading the journey begins